Our CBA President Annabel Cresswell and Vice President Adam Simperingham are committed to bringing about increases to legal aid rates, for the benefit of CBA members and other legal aid providers. In real terms, legal aid providers have not received a pay increase for more than 17 years. The Criminal Bar Association (CBA) has been concerned about the ongoing failure to adequately remunerate legal aid and failure to inflation adjust rates for criminal defence Lawyers and duty Lawyers.
We are asking all legal aid practitioners (not just CBA members) if you will please take the time to complete the survey that has been sent out.
The CBA is wanting to gather feedback from the profession on whether there is support for action in relation to the rates and obtain your views on how the rates are impacting access to justice and sustainability of the criminal defence bar.
We would appreciate your time and input.
If you have any further questions or comments or you have not received a link and are a criminal legal aid provider, please email cbalegalaidsurvey@gmail.com